IASTM is short for “Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization.” This technique involves the doctor using a handheld tool to break down scar tissue and adhesions within muscles in order to create a local inflammatory healing response. Scar tissue and adhesions may form due to many reasons, including sports injuries like sprains/strains, repetitive stress caused by work and posture, and a sedentary lifestyle. The benefits of IASTM include:

  • Enhancing myofascial mobility while decreasing adhesions

  • Stimulate connective tissue remodeling through resorption of excessive fibrosis, otherwise known as scar tissue.

  • Induce repair and regeneration of collagen (a major building block of not only muscles, but skin, tendons, ligaments, and bone) secondary to fibroblast recruitment to the region. Decreases overall time of treatment

  • Faster recovery/rehabilitation